9 Ways To Make Money From Investing – Without Investing

Today, we talk about ways to make money from investing – without investing and learning the skills needed to help your financial life.  

“Why should I learn how to invest if I don’t make enough money now?”

Frankly, I used to think the same thing.

But today, I’m here to bust some myths and show you.

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9 Ways To Make Money From Investing – Without Investing

First up though, why is this a question I get regularly?
Because most people are worried about what their biggest struggle financially is right now. Not 40 years down the road.
Think back to when you were say 17 years old.

If someone told you that you were 100% guaranteed to become wealthy from investing $10,000 for 50 years. Would you have invested or worked to earn that and then invest it?

I wouldn’t have.
When I was 17, I was more interested in chasing girls, running track, playing video games, and hanging out with friends.

For you it may have been slightly different. But, if investing for 50 years seriously caught your interest at or around that age, you were in the extreme minority.

Even when you get a bit older and are in college.

Instead of investing you may have been more focused on passing that next exam and talking to that cute guy/girl at the party.

Also, paying for college with your job at the pizza place, or working to build your life, buying your first home, getting married, having kids, and building a career.

This continues into our 30s and 40s as “life happens.”
Before we know it, we’re in our 50s, 60s, and 70s and we haven’t invested enough to retire so we’re worried we’ll have to work as a Walmart greeter in our Golden Years.
This may sound harsh, but it’s 100% true.

Because at any age – but especially when we’re young – we’re more worried about what our current money issue is right. Then, medical issues, kids braces, pets, vacations, car payments, house payments, and phone bills take over.

This is a major reason it’s hard to “get ahead” for most people. And, why much of the time it seems impossible to do so.

Which gets us to investing and finance and the original thought above.

“Why should I learn how to invest if I don’t make enough money now?”

Not only because it’s shortsighted and it will harm you financially your entire life if you don’t. But, because you can make money from these skills now.


9 Ways To Make Money From Investing – Without Investing


Here are some of the ways I’ve made money with my knowledge in investing:

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  • Using my investing and financial knowledge to buy stuff at thrift stores and sell them at a higher price on eBay and Amazon.
  • Investment writer for various sites, newsletters, and publications over the last 8 or so years.
  • General business consultant – how to grow the client’s business by improving their revenues, cash flows, and valuations.
  • Selling a client’s business to a third-party company after growing its value.
  • Transferring this knowledge to real estate to sell residential real estate with a real estate license.
  • Transferring this knowledge to work toward buying private businesses, apartment buildings, self-storage facilities, and mobile home parks for myself and investors.
  • Consulting with people to improve their retirement financially – even if they didn’t invest with me.
  • Managing investment portfolios for those who did invest with me.
  • Figuring out where to improve my various businesses.

And this doesn’t even include stuff like working on Wall Street, buying stock, and making money from dividends. Also, working at a hedge fund, or the various “normal” ways to make money with these skills.

Learning about investing and finance isn’t only for those that have money already. You can also use these skills now to make money for yourself, your loved ones, and your future.

Plus, you can also use this knowledge to make better money decisions now too.

Both will help you make and keep more money. Which will allow you to invest faster.

People don’t realize this. Most think you can only make money from investing in stocks or getting a job on Wall Street.

But this is only a small fraction of the ways you can make money with this ultra-valuable skill.

The best part of this It doesn’t require an MBA. Except for the Wall Street route – because I don’t have one.

If you’re interested in learning these ultra-valuable skills to take control of your present and future financial success. Send me a DM that says YES, and I’ll share the info with you.

Always in your service,

Jason Rivera

P.S. That stat above about investing $10,000 and becoming a millionaire in 50 years is 100% true.

Here’s how that works out when you use compound interest by investing $10,000 at a rate of 10% per year – about what the market does every year – and investing it for 50 years makes you a millionaire.

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