Absolutely Amazing Testimonial For My Book and Weekend Reading Links

I just wanted to share an absolutely amazing testimonial that a reader emailed me recently about my book that literally brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you so much to this reader and to everyone else who has bought or read my book, left a testimonial or review, or read this blog.

“I knew all the terms and read all the books but when it came to actually reading an annual report and getting something out of it I was lost. What your book did for me was offer concrete examples of how to find the information in an annual report that will allow an investor to make a conservative estimation of the true value of a company. Not only did it explain value matrices and why they are important and how they should be applied; but how an investor can find the inputs for these calculations in the annual report. For me that was a real eye opener. I would not change your book. I think it is the perfect starting point for someone who wants to start digging deeper into valuing businesses. It is a simple read and the cases and techniques used in each case are well explained. It does not overload the reader with either high theory or esoteric math. I think it does just enough to explain mind set when value investing and how to “discover” the value of a business.  So I would not change your book; it provides a great starting point for someone interested in valuing businesses.” Testimonial that a reader sent to my email.

Weekend Reading Links

Time.com – Researchers Clone Cells From Two Adult Men.

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Nature.com – Young Blood Reverses Age Related Impairments In Cognitive Function and Synaptic Plasticity in Mice.

Gizmodo – Scientists Have Created “Alien” DNA.

Mindhacks – The Poly Themes Of Psychosis.

Medium.com – 7 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Be More Productive, Backed By Science.

Beyond Proxy – The Way To Scale Up A Compounder.

SoonIwillbe.com – Creativity Requires Courage.

Four Hour Work Week Blog – The Top 5 Reasons To Be A Jack of All Trades.

Reddit AMA with Alice Schroeder, Author of The Snowball.

Pick The Brain – 15 Tactics That Will Double Your Productivity In No Time.