Back From Vacation, First Preorder of a Premium Book Package, and Immediate Plans

Back From Vacation, First Preorder of a Premium Book Package, and Immediate Plans

I am now back from my vacation to beautiful Boise Idaho where I was visiting family and I am ready to start rolling again. By the way if you want to ever want to visit somewhere that is incredibly beautiful and you like mountains, forests, and rivers, I highly recommend you visit the Bozeman Montana area.  Bozeman itself and about 2 hours west of there is some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever driven through and I would highly recommend visiting there sometime if you like those kinds of scenery.  While I was on vacation I also got my first preorder of a premium book package and was really excited about that.

Now that I have recharged a bit and have gotten the bulk of the book done except for editing and advertising I am ready to start digging into companies again.  There has been a great discussion going on, on my first Brazil Fast Food article in the comments section (Would love more people to join in as well) about its valuation and I have decided to post a mini article next week where I will show you updated valuations of BOBS now that it has been about six months since I originally wrote about them.

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I also plan to finish up a couple of books I was reading and listening to on my trip and after I finish those and the updated BOBS valuation article I am going to start digging into company financial reports.  I knew I have missed reading and evaluating companies while I have worked on the book over the past several months but I did not realize how much I missed it until yesterday when I started revaluing BOBS.  So excited to start bringing you valuation and analysis articles again as soon as possible.