Be Careful With Where You Get Info From – And What It Says
Today, we talk about why you should be careful with where you get info from – and what it says about the coronavirus and the stock market.

In my network of friends / family / colleagues, I’m most often known as ‘The Investment Guy’.
Because of this, I’m often asked about the latest trend in investing, whether would it be years ago, gold and silver, the Greek Crash a couple of years ago, or more recently, weed stocks and cryptocurrency.
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To see our other videos in this series, where I give my thoughts on weed stocks, crypto, diversification, retirement plans and more, click here.
As valued investors we always need to be wary of the information we watch and read… But with this coronavirus and market panics going on right now we need to be especially careful.
Today I show you why you need to be careful with what you read – even from reputable sources.
Let’s get to it…
Here are some of the things I talked about in the 13 – minute video above.
- Why we need to be careful where we get our info from
- And about what it says
- Even from reputable sources
- We need to make sure the info still makes sense
- And more…
More content…
This video is part of the IloveValueInvesting Podcast which was recently voted a top 15 value investing podcast in the world by Feedspot.
You can listen to this episode and our others in this podcast by going here.
Here are the resources mentioned in the video.
- New Fed Study Finds Efforts to Slow Pandemic Don’t Depress The Economy
- Manufacturing Is Now The Smallest Share Of US Economy In 72 Years
If you have any questions at this point let me know in the comments below so I can answer them in future videos.
If you want to learn something specific this year about value investing go here to fill out the same short form that brought us this topic.
P.S. Value Investing Journey is dedicated to helping you become a great value investor within 1 year… To help you do this I’m giving you access to 5 free gifts below… This includes the guides mentioned in the video above. To get that guide and explanations of all the terms in the video above use the form below.
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