Blog update
I just wanted to update everyone and let them know that I will no longer be posting something every day to the blog. Blogging is much more time consuming than I originally thought, and it has started to dig into my research and analysis time.
I will be posting a few times a week now, generally about my research, analysis, and valuations. I will also be posting things that I find online that I think are important. But I will no longer be posting the massive amount of links that I have been lately. There are various other sites that do the same thing, and reading those to see which are best and posting them here has taken up the vast majority of my time lately. I hope you understand.
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Portfolio update
As you might know from my post last week, I have been looking over my portfolio in search of some sell candidates so that I can free up some cash and hopefully not miss out the next Dole I find.
I have found a few companies to sell but I am waiting for their next 10Qs to be posted so that I can read through them to make sure I will not be missing out on anything before I make my final decisions. Whenever I do decide to sell, I will let you know which companies I sold, and why I made the decision to sell that particular company.
Until next time.