Case Study Part 23 – The Free Live Valuation Of ASXFY Is Today

Case Study Part 23 – The Free Live Valuation Of ASXFY Is Today

This series is an ongoing live case study series.

To see the earlier posts in this series, focused so far on Filipino companies, go here.

Download A Free Copy of My Acclaimed Value Investing Education Book How To Value Invest By Clicking Here.

To learn how I find and select these companies, go here.

To watch Part 1 of us going through the financial statements of ASXFY, go here.

And to watch the prior videos on ASXFY including the recap of our ASXFY case study up to this point, go here.


So far in this series, you’ve learned how I find and then select companies at the preliminary stage of analysis.

I then detailed why I selected only 3 of the 44 Filipino companies to put on my watch list.

Detailed each of these 3 companies.

We then recapped the entire series which is linked above.

And then we got to our first Australian company, ASXFY – these posts are linked above.

In that post, I told you why the company looked great on a preliminary basis – not only that, but that it looks to be about fairly valued now on a relative basis.

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Which frankly was shocking to me, considering this company has insanely high margins and cash flow production.

Oh, and because world stock markets are still at, or near all-time high valuations.

And also because of this last point, I haven’t found a new potential investment in 3.5 years.

I remind you today that this is your LAST CHANCE to sign up for the free webinar valuation webinar of ASXFY.


Potentially great investment???

Let’s continue finding out…

So after some delays brought on by massive website issues…

And after 22 posts in this series over the last 5+ months, we’re about to do something I’ve wanted to do for years.

If you want to catch up on this series to this point, use the links above.

If you want to learn what caused these massive website issues and delays, go here.

If you want to see how I made up for these delays and get a free 93-minute training that was exclusive to my Masterclass and Coaching students, go here.

And if you’re here to sign up for today’s free valuation webinar, do so here.

Today is your LAST CHANCE to sign up for this free webinar because the webinar is starting 2 hours from now – 12 PM EST.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here is some context on what you’ll learn on the free webinar.

Oh and if you’re worried about getting a sales pitch on this webinar, THERE WILL BE NO SALES PITCH ON THIS WEBINAR.

It will be 100% geared towards teaching and helping you learn and improve your value investing and valuation skills and knowledge.

And if you want a preview of the webinar, read below to see how you’ll learn 23 different ways to value a business in less than 2 hours time.

Here is an excerpt from last week’s post on this…



As you’ll see below, the above is one of the things I told my students after this valuation training on IDEXY today.

And you’ll learn the same things in the free ASXFY Live Valuation Training next week if you sign up.

Here’s another quote from the above audio…

“Matteo… if I would have told you that within weeks of starting your Masterclass and Coaching Program that you’d be able to understand and value a business 23 different ways in a matter of weeks, what would you have said?”

And another…

“You can value a company 23 or 24 different ways in about an hour once you get good at them, that will show you not only the actual valuation and your potential margin of safety, it will show you a real world price. It will show you what you should pay for the company… It will also show you what you should expect to earn owning the investment in the next year… It will show you the owners earnings of the company… The kind of real world economic earnings of the company… It will help you slow down and look over every aspect of the balance sheet more to gauge balance sheet strength… It will do these things in less than an hour once you get good at them… How powerful do you think that is?”

And you’ll learn the same things on the FREE ASXFY Live Valuation Webinar next week.

Sign Up For That Free ASXFY Webinar Here


See you later today on this FREE webinar.


P.S. Remember we’re limited to only 100 people on this training so if you want to lock in your spot, sign up as soon as you can. First come, first served.

P.P.S. I don’t know if or when or if I ever will release a replay of this training. If I do, it will only be to people on our mailing list. So if you want in on this free training that can transform you as a value investor, make sure to sign up now for free here.