Why You Must Read Financial Reports: A Case Study

Why You Must Read Financial Reports: A Case Study

Today, we talk about why you must read financial reports, one of our case studies.


Why You MUST Read Financial Reports
A quote by Benjamin Franklin

In my network of friends / family / colleagues, I’m most often known as ‘The Investment Guy’.

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Because of this, I’m often asked about the latest trend in investing, whether it would be years ago, gold and silver, the Greek Crash a couple of years ago, or more recently, weed stocks and cryptocurrency.

To see our other videos in this series, where I give my thoughts on weed stocks, crypto, diversification, retirement plans and more, click here.

In today’s case study video, I show you why you MUST read financial reports… And why you should never rely solely on the numbers… Regardless of the potential undervaluation or opportunity.

Let’s get to it…

Why You Must Read Financial Reports: A Case Study

Here are some of the things I talked about in the 23 – minute video above.

  • Why you MUST read financial reports
  • Why you should never rely solely on a companies numbers
  • How I found several things that bothered me in the financial reports
  • And how this kept me from investing in this company
  • And more…

This video is part of the IloveValueInvesting PodcastYou can listen to this episode and our others in this podcast by going here.

If you have any questions at this point in the case study let me know in the comments below so I can answer them in future videos.

If you want to learn from our other case study videos for free click here.

Are you getting excited to buy right now? And are you wanting to skip steps like I almost did with this company? Let me know in the comments below.

P.S. Another Masterclass student signed up and we started our live training and Q&A sessions last week. If you want to become a better value investor fast, make sure to check out our Value Investing Journey Masterclass. The special offer, available to only 6 more people, is five (5) FREE one on one training sessions with me. Plus you’ll get more than $2000 in value, courses, and other resources just for signing up to the Masterclass.