Does Value Investing Work Anywhere In The World?

Does Value Investing Work Anywhere In The World?

I’ve gotten the above question a TON lately.  So I wanted to answer it for you in the short video below.

In short for those who don’t want to watch the 9-minute video…

  • Yes, value investing SHOULD work anywhere in the world…
  • But, there are places it doesn’t for specific reasons.
  • And there are times where it works better and worse than others.

I talk about the first two things above in the video but forgot to talk about the last one so I’ll do that in the next episode.

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And something else I forgot to mention in the above video is that the company HAS to have financial statements in English as well.


Because while I wouldn’t mind trusting Google Translate when it comes to works of fiction where I can miss a few words here and there.

When it comes to a technical document like financial reports I read every single word.  And need to know that those words are correct and not just Google Translate or some algorithm guessing.

Below is a brief summary of some of the other things I talk about in the video above.

  • An exception proving the rule above
  • Companies selling at 70% net cash.
  • Countries where I’ve talked with other investors from around the world.
  • Fat pitches.
  • 23 countries represented on my watchlist.
  • And more.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments below because I know MOST investors and value investors only focus on the United States so I’m in the minority here.

P.S.  I’d love your help naming our new podcast/vlog…  If you have a great name please send it to with the Subject Line of Name For Your Podcast/Vlog so my team knows what the message is about.

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