Excellent Links From When I Was Writing How To Value Invest Part 1

Excellent Links From When I Was Writing How To Value Invest Part 1

While I was writing How To Value Invest I did not do very much learning about value investing.  I did however save every link that I thought might contain some excellent information from those emails dating back to February, and plan to share what I think the very best links were from that time frame over the coming weeks while I am researching companies again.

Hedge Fund Letters – Shareholder letters from a bunch of different funds including Baupost, Fairholme, Berkshire, Fairfax, and many others.

Download A Free Copy of My Acclaimed Value Investing Education Book How To Value Invest By Clicking Here.

Contrarian Investing In Quality Franchises – From Beyond Proxy and author Oliver Mihaljevic.

Walking Away From A Few Million Dollars Part 5 – This is from Ragnar is a Pirate and is the conclusion piece on a potential real estate investment and the potential pitfalls of investing in real estate.

How Morningstar Values Berkshire – Goes through multiple different valuation techniques and values Berkshire Hathaway.

How To Get Into The Value Investors Club by Whopper Investments who recently got accepted into VIC, something I have failed twice at thus far.  Hopefully I picked up some pointers from Whopper for my next attempt.

Punchcard Investing Blog – An excellent new blog which concentrates on companies with moats and competitive advantages.  I highly recommend going back and reading the entire blog.

What Was The Biggest Turning Point In Your Life?  Excellent article from BenPhilabaum.com about making small incremental changes every day instead of waiting for that one big break.

Quickly Master Any Skill The Tim Ferriss Way By Learning Out Of Order by Lifehacker.  This is a 24 minute video that is well worth your time if you want to learn things more efficiently.

Why Berkshire’s McLane Has A Moat and are There Similar Companies in Asia from Beyond Proxy.  Excellent piece on one of Berkshire’s subsidiaries, how to spot moats, what builds a moat, etc.

The Greatest Investment Book Ever Written from The Brooklyn Investor.  Not your typical investment book recommendation.