Finally Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros

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Finally Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros – In Only Weeks

I’d go from making enormous progress fast. Learning new terms, techniques, and valuations. Only to be tripped up by something that didn’t quite make sense.

To making more enormous progress. Investing real money, and then losing 50% of it within 6 months. I thought I knew what to do, Mr. Market proved that was wrong fast and kicked me in the teeth.

I couldn’t put all the pieces together. Because of this, I’d spend days or weeks trying to figure one thing out. When learning fast and making enormous progress it was amazing. But, when I hit the next brick wall it felt like trying to climb out of quicksand.

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Every time I tried something; I’d sink further. And, would get more and more frustrated trying to figure things out.

But this just didn’t go on every once and a while and end. This went on for six long years!

This constant two steps forward and one step back led not only to an enormous amount of lost time and frustration. But it almost made me quit learning about investing.

“What am I supposed to do now?”
This was the question always on my mind when I hit the next brick wall.

This was me not so long ago.

And if this is you right now.

I understand what you’re going through.

I’d spent six years learning a skill so I could provide for my young family and it only took me six months to lose 50% of that money.

At a time, when we couldn’t afford to lose anything, let alone 50% of my new investment portfolio.

I was a complete failure, and didn’t know what to do next. I was six years into “becoming a great investor” but didn’t even know how to value a stock.

Didn’t know how to read a financial statement… Most of the time I didn’t even know what the stocks did. And I invested in stocks based only on how “good” their numbers and metrics looked.
Seriously. This is why Mr. Market kicked me in the teeth and handed me a 50% loss within six months.

After 6 years of “learning,” I knew nothing and was a failure. Tears streamed down my face due to the depression and frustration, as I realized this when sitting at my kitchen table. This is when I had a revelation.

“I waste so much time and energy trying to unlock all these “doors” myself, maybe I should get some help.”

I had no one personally I could talk to about investing. I had no mentors I could reach out to. And I didn’t know where to turn.

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Here's What Matteo A. Said About The Masterclass - "Good choice to decide to join this group. I made the same decision as you to seriously learn investing and this seems a great place to start. You will learn a lot from this course and Jason is always available to help you with any questions or doubts you may have during the journey."

But I knew I needed help… For my own sanity and for the sake of my family. Looking back now, that day at the kitchen table with tears streaming down my face transformed my life forever.
I needed to figure out how to invest well… And I knew if I could master this, I would end the struggle of wondering how to provide for my family.
Miss the mark and you’ll end up right back where you were… Depressed after failing.”

Again, does any of this sound like your journey in investing?

I threw myself completely into research, and dedicated myself to mastering the craft of Value Investing. The process I then developed took me from this as the first ever “analysis” I shared publicly in December 2012.
This was after six years of learning.
To this only months later…
It took me six years to get to the point where I wrote that two page “analysis” on Vodafone.… And it wasn’t really an analysis because it was copied and pasted facts from financial sites.
It took me only a few months to write more than 20 full length investment analysis articles covering hundreds of pages total like the Wendy’s one above.
How did I make such a rapid progress in such a short amount of time after struggling for years?
Because I began getting feedback. Not from anyone I knew personally.
But from posting my articles on my blog and on various financial sites like Seeking Alpha, Guru Focus, and Insider Monkey.
I realized after my breakdown sitting at the kitchen table, that I not only needed to dedicate myself to learning everything I could about investing to become great… But that I really needed feedback to improve.
And since I didn’t know anyone who could help with this kind of stuff… I posted everything I did online. This was painful to say the least.
You put dozens or hundreds of hours into something – only to find out after you published that you missed talking about debt. Ouch. Yet another blind spot to fix next time.
I don’t care how well you take constructive criticism – and I take it well – over time this takes a toll on your mental health. Especially in public forums like blogs and financial sites where there was often far worse than constructive criticism 😉
These were some of the things people regularly wrote on comments back then on my articles. And these were some of the nicer things.
This stuff hurts… While this brute force approach skyrocketed my learning… It also led to more gut punches and frustration of every day posting my analysis articles online… And then the analysis getting torched.
Because of this, I no longer recommend people go that route to improve themselves when investing.
Looking back, this entire process helped me realize two important things though noticed two things:
It took me six years to learn how to value a stock one way because while every value investor tells you that you need to value stocks… No one shows you how to do it. And because of this Mr. Market kicked me in the teeth.
This was 2,190 days or 52,560 hours wasted… Time I could’ve spent investing instead of looking the infinite internet every day for answers.
I went through years of frustration, pain, and embarrassment before I could enjoy the success I do now. Because of this.
I set out to give my clients the same experience I’d figured out: a focused and intense Value Investing program with a single purpose:
Do the heavy lifting for you by teaching you ONLY the terms, techniques, and valuations you MUST know to become great… While also giving you constant feedback so you can improve rapidly.
Because when I focused on what was important and ONLY what was important – my knowledge and skills exploded. But instead of enduring the public ridicule and frustration like I did… I recommend something better for you… How about a personal coach – me – to help you every step of the way?
Now, in order for you to get the most out of this program as quickly as possible, it must be something you can stream anytime you want with a simple click of your mouse.
It would have to be easy-to-do, and fit into just a few month…but it would also have to give you transformational results…

And so, The Value Investing Masterclass Was Born

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Go-getters who invested in themselves and this program, put it to good use and have this to say about the Masterclass…
These results are 100% based on the “Value Investing Masterclass” I previously mentioned. This is the secret behind my Value Investing success… The process I’ve developed over the last 15 years.
And now you’ll get the chance to experience the very same breakthroughs these students did…
…because I’ve laid it all out for you in my blueprint.
Remove Value Investing frustration and replace it with Value Investing success!
These results are 100% based on the “Value Investing Masterclass” I previously mentioned.
This is the secret behind my Value Investing success.… The process I’ve developed over the last 15 years.
And now you’ll get the chance to experience the very same breakthroughs these students did…
…because I’ve laid it all out for you in my blueprint.
Remove Value Investing frustration and replace it with Value Investing success!
Listen, while I 100% believe you can become a great investor on your own, because I’m proof you can… It also took me 15 years to get to where I am today.
I don’t want you to have to deal with that.
Another reason I don’t want you to learn how to invest well on your own…
And according to research by authors Larry Swedroe and Andrew Berkin of the book “The Incredible Shrinking Alpha”
Beating the market is hard for anyone to do… Even the pros.

Shocking. But 100% TRUE.

So why the hell should you trust me to help you with this if beating the market is so hard?
Because in the first nine years of my career I’ve done just that.
In the first nine years of my career, I’ve produced average – non-compounded – returns of 23.55% each year. Or a total cumulative return of 211.95% over that period.
This crushes the stock market in that same period… From 2012 through 2020, the Dow Jones Index produced a total cumulative return of 68.7% for the nine years or 7.6% per year on average.
The S&P 500 produced an 80.7% total return for the eight years or 9% per year on average.
And the Russell 3000 index – the closest thing to a small cap index – produced a 77.7% total return or 8.6% per year on average. I’ve produced returns in excess of these indexes by 15.95%, 14.55%, and 14.95% points respectively each year over these nine years.
Assuming a $10 million asset base like above, I would have produced $46.1 million more for investors over this nine-year period than the Russell 3000 index would have.

My Compounded Growth Chart with CAGR

My Returns = $67,078,717 after 10 years

Russell 3000 Compounded Growth Chart with CAGR

Russell 3000 Returns = $21,021,050 after 10 years
These returns over the last nine years literally make me one of the best stock pickers on Earth over that time. Even better…
In the first nine years of my career, I’ve produced average – non-compounded – returns of 23.55% each year. Or a total cumulative return of 211.95% over that period.
In the first nine years of his career, the great Warren Buffett – widely acknowledged as the best investor to ever live – produced average – non-compounded – returns of 24.3% each year. Or a total cumulative return of 218.7% over that period.
This means in the first nine years of our careers, I’m trailing Buffet by only 0.75 percentage points each year when compared to the first nine years of his career.
After I wasted the first 6 years banging my head against the wall and not learning much of real value.

I’m nothing special… If I can do this, so can you.

And I want to help you by teaching you everything I know in the Value Investing Masterclass. The principle of this course is simple…
Teaching you my “Value Investing Blueprint” (it’s top secret : ) and everything I know to help you find great and safe stocks for investment fast… And turning “I don’t know how to value stocks” into outrageous investing success.
I used this exact plan myself, and everything about my life completely changed.
I used this exact plan myself, and everything about my life completely changed. I’m not saying any of this to brag… In fact, just writing these things makes me a bit queasy because I don’t like talking about myself. The only reason I’m putting this stuff in here is to help you realize two things.
Now, I’m not saying you’ll achieve these things with 100% certainty. Like in investing, in life there is no such thing as a 100% guarantee to anything.
What I am saying though is that with this process you’ll know how to find, evaluate, and value great stocks for investment better than almost anyone on Earth.
This gives you a much higher chance of beating the market, building your wealth, and reaching your goals.
Plus, you can use these skills to earn money from coaching, consulting, writing, advising, and much more too.
With that in mind, and people telling me constantly over the years that they were “frustrated and overwhelmed” by learning how to invest well themselves, I point them right here.
Once you get the ball rolling…there’s no stopping you…

… here’s why:

The Value Investing Masterclass is a breakthrough blueprint for Value Investors that empowers you to find great stocks fast…and all without massive frustration and spending years of time learning on your own like I did.
In the course, everything breaks down into the following step-by-step components:
In the program you’ll learn in a matter of weeks or months what took me 15 years to learn. And the best part?
I’ll be there to help you the entire time with weekly live trainings with other students.
An exclusive Facebook group to ask and have your questions answered by me and other students.
Within days you’ll know how to value a stock multiple different ways in minutes…

… And in just a few weeks from now you’ll see results you never saw before

Look, I know you want to stop wasting time, energy, and money.. That’s why my team and I created this in such a unique manner that you’ll only have to spend on average about a few months on it.
Let me ask you this:
Do you have a few months to invest in making sure you learn how to find great, safe, and undervalued stocks to earn higher investment returns, and make money once and for all?
If your answer is YES…then success is just around the corner.
For the last several years I’ve successfully helped the following groups of people all over the world…
Value Investors
People who want to take control of their investments
And people who want to earn higher investment returns safely.
…go from struggling to rapid improvement and confidence in their newly learned abilities. It takes effort, consistency, and hard work… This is no get quick rich scheme in any way.

And this is not a trading, forex, crypto, gold, or silver investing course.

This Masterclass is built for long term oriented investors who want to buy undervalued stocks to earn higher than average investment returns over the long term much like Warren Buffett’s done now for the better part of 60 years.
If you’re serious about your investing goals, then in the next few months I’ll show you exactly how to make them real.
And just so you are completely at ease…
…this will not be some massive undertaking.
You’ll have me in your corner the whole time in videos and live trainings…
…laying everything out in a simple manner…
…showing you exactly what you have to do and for how long.
…answering your questions.
…guiding and mentoring you on how and where to continue improving.
… helping you avoid pitfalls and frustrations.
Basically you’ll have me as your personal Value Investing coach for however long you remain a member of the program. Plus, you’ll also have the other students to learn from, the course content and resources, and any new content I create after you join.

What’s The Alternative?!

Spinning Your Wheels In Place For Days, Weeks, Months, Or Years Like You’ve Already Done?
There’s a lot of information out there. From YouTube videos to books and online courses. And if you’re like me, I’m sure you can take all this and use it on your own…
But sooner or later… you might feel like you’re running in place….You’ll get stressed because you want to go further but can’t.
It’ll be like you’re constantly taking two steps forward, one step back, and getting stuck for days, weeks, months, or years trying to figure it out..
It’s like trying to watch a video on YouTube without a great internet connection…
You’ll watch part of the video, and then when it gets to the great part you’ll be stuck on a never ending loading screen.
Then something will “click”, and you can watch more of the video until it gets stuck again.
Eventually you’ll get there… But how long will it take?
Because you’re sharp, you’ve probably picked up two things:
In the first stages, you’re making big, messy strides, and practically everything you try will work.
Thing is, sooner or later you realize that those quick wins are hard to come by… One example…
You understand operating income and why it’s important… But why is it more important than net income? What does it mean in a real-world sense for the business? In multiple different ways? What about the same things for free cash flow? And don’t even get me started on owners’ earnings.
After you know it, you’ve just wasted weeks, months, or years of time on learning useless information like I did.
This leads to even more frustration and lost time.
I created the Value Investing Masterclass to help you avoid these things.

Each step is carefully planned so you can build momentum and see consistent results.

Now is the time to act and invest in the Value Investing Masterclass so you can reach your goals.
If you’re still not convinced check out these bonuses, you’ll get when signing up to help insure you reach your goals…
Facebook Group!
The Student Only Facebook Group! This could easily sell for hundreds of dollars, but you get access to this free – so you can get all your questions answered by myself or other students fast – when you order today.
Live Coaching
You also gain access to free live coaching sessions with me at different times every week – multiple times a week – to get any question, situation, hardship, triumph answered and applauded. This could easily sell for thousands of dollars, but you get this free when you invest in the program today.
Monthly Updates to the Masterclass! This could easily sell for thousands of dollars, but you get these new videos and trainings free as I upload them.
And much more.
We’ve got big plans for this Masterclass… Much more will be added as we go. And you’ll get it all for free as a early adopter.
This Masterclass works even if you don’t know how to value stocks now and you know none of the terms.
Want proof?
Here’s what student Damian D. said after only 4 training sessions with me…
Because I show you how to value stocks 23 different ways easily by hand or by typing stuff on a Word document. You won’t find any complex Excel formulas or DCF valuations here.
If you know how to do 6th grade math… You can do anything in this course.
Plus, this all starts with a 14-day free trial… Put the Masterclass to the test and rest easy knowing that your satisfaction is my top priority.
You don’t pay a dime to sign up to this program…
You get it for free for 14 days. And only then if you’re happy with the program will you get charged anything on day 15.
Click on the link below to get all the details and start your journey towards success today:
Get In Today For $197 Per Month!!!
Always In Your Service,
Jason Rivera, Owner
Value Investing Journey
P.S. Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to this Masterclass as long as you remain a member.
P.P.S. If you have more questions about the Masterclass, before you join you can schedule a free call on my calendar by clicking the FREE Value Investing Journey Masterclass Consultation button below.

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We help you become a better value investor faster with our free content and resources and paid programs and courses.

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