Free Live Training Tomorrow At 10 AM EDT
Normally in Friday’s weekly posts, we do either a case study or a free training Friday video.
Today’s post is a bit different…
Today I’m announcing that our weekly live training is starting back up – but now they’re available to anyone, for free.
Get FREE access to 17 of our best training videos from the past by clicking here.
Normally these training sessions are only available to paying students of our Value Investing Masterclass and our Value Investing Coaching Programs.
But because we’re all stuck at home with the coronavirus lockdowns, I wanted to make these sessions available to anyone – 100% free.
Value Investing Journey is dedicated to helping you become a world-class value investor within 1 year already which is why 99% of our content is already free, but during these unprecedented times we’re dealing with, I want to help you and as many others as I can learn this valuable skill of value investing.
And we won’t be holding back…
These will be the same kinds of sessions our paying students normally take part in that are worth $1,000’s of dollars.
You’ll be learning the same kind of stuff they’ve learned – but for free.
- You can still ask any questions you want during these sessions and get your answers
- You’ll still learn in-depth about things like the ultra-important cash conversion cycle. one of my favorite metrics that almost no one else talks about
- You’ll still get access to stocks I’m analyzing today as we talk about them in these sessions
- You’ll still learn the exact processes I use every day to research stocks
- You’ll still learn from other student’s questions and answers
- You’ll still learn how to read financial statements
- You’ll still learn what everything means in financial statements and why it is important.
- And more…
There’s no catch.
All you have to do to get access to these live training sessions is to sign up below with your name and email address. That’s it.
Plus, if you sign up for these free sessions which are normally worth $1,000’s of dollars, I’m also going to send you some of the value investing templates, resources, and bonuses I use every day to analyze companies – also for free.
Want to learn how to find, evaluate, value, and buy great stocks fast? Ones that have helped me produce average annual investment returns of 23.5% per year on average in the first 9 years of my career? Click here to learn more about our Value Investing Masterclass.
That’s it.
We’ll keep doing them as long as people show up, and as long as this coronavirus lockdown is going on.
If you want to preview some of the stuff students have learned in the past watch the short video below.
You don’t have to pay anything for the software either because we’ll be using Zoom, and for you, Zoom is free.
All you need to bring to these sessions is a notepad if you want to take notes and questions. That’s it.
The one drawback of Zoom, as of now these sessions will be limited to only 100 people attending them. So if you want to join these sessions, sign up today.
We’re going to do these sessions every week for the foreseeable future – and those who sign up first will be given first shot to join the sessions.
If you’ve watched our videos on Facebook, that are more general info about the coronavirus, market, etc., these free live sessions we’re going to do every weekend, are going to focus more on value investing specifically. Terms, techniques, stock analysis, valuations, etc.
While I’m sure attendees of these sessions will have questions about general stuff like the economy and the market – which I’ll answer – these training sessions will focus more on helping you become a great value investor so you can work toward making money with the skill of value investing.
I’ll keep doing both the FB live for more general informational videos and trainings, and these weekly live training sessions will focus more on value investing specifics.
I hope you to see you in the session tomorrow and in the coming weeks while we continue dealing with these coronavirus lockdowns worldwide. I hope this helps you reach closer toward your goals in value investing.
If you join these sessions, I guarantee you’ll learn an enormous amount.
Always in your service,
P.S. Here is what some of our Masterclass and Coaching Program students have to say about these kinds of sessions.
“Good choice to decide to join this group. I made the same decision as you to seriously learn investing and this seems a great place to start. You will learn a lot from this course and Jason is always available to help you with any questions or doubts you may have during the journey.” Matteo A.
And further from Matteo…
“Thank you Jason. I am learning so much and the coaching is such a great tool to learn faster and better. I like having someone to talk to so often about investing. It makes the journey in value investing more enjoyable.”
Another student – Jeff P. who told me he’d like to take a hiatus from coaching after only 23 sessions and 6 months. Why?
Because he and his wife were starting a business and he wanted to use the skills and knowledge he gained in this program in starting this business.
Jeff went from zero understanding of how to read and understand and use the information in financial statements to taking a hiatus to use this info in his business.
And here’s another testimonial from Chris A., who I coached in the past…
“Jason really helped me identify and hone in on what is important when it comes to analyzing a company. I have been reading on investing for over a year by myself. Walking through the process with Jason helped me crystallize my own process and thinking surrounding analysis.” – Chris A.