Practical Advice On How To Use Time Efficiently – Video

Practical Advice On How To Use Time Efficiently

How I Used To Always Feel

Below is a brief transcribed excerpt from today’s video – Practical Advice On How To Use Time Efficiently.

In the video below I expound on what I talked about in the Do More, Fail, More, Improve Faster video that I released in May.

Hey everybody Jason Rivera here from, author of How To Value Invest, and chairman, CEO, and founder of Rivera Holdings LLC.

In the last video – Do More, Fail More, Improve Faster – I talked to you about, rather I was inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk.  In his video he talked about the need to do actual things…

Stop reading, stop learning, stop thinking, stop brainstorming and just go out and do stuff as much as you can.

Fail, learn, fail, learn, fail, learn, fail and learn as much as possible.

And I brought my thoughts into it in the Do More, Fail More, Improve Faster video.

But I didn’t really tell you anything practically…

I just said yes that was what you should be doing and that’s how I learn faster and that’s how I improve faster.

But I didn’t tell you anything practical and I hate when people do that.

That’s one of the reasons I wrote How To Value Invest because I was tired of seeing all these websites and books and stuff talking about value investing and finance telling you how you needed to learn how to value companies… But nobody ever tells you how.

Or they tell you need to evaluate companies on a deep level but they never tell you how.

That’s one of the main reasons I wrote How To Value Invest to show everyone how to do these kinds of things.

So today I’m going to give you a little bit of practical advice about stuff that helps me learn faster and become more efficient and productive with my time.

Just like everybody out there I have kids, I have a wife, I have family commitments, doctor appointments, car appointments, stuff like that so I try to make the most of my time.

And due to my health issues in the past there were many days where I could literally do nothing except learn 30 minutes of the day…

To see the full video watch below.

Download A Free Copy of My Acclaimed Value Investing Education Book How To Value Invest By Clicking Here.

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