I’m Going To Be Interviewed On Blog Talk Radio In Less Than 2 Hours; Link Available.

Last week I was contacted by Mr. Gary Gonzales who has a show on Blog Talk Radio named Come and Take It that is about investing and how to take control of your financial future.  He found my book on Amazon and asked if I would come on his show to talk about How To Value Invest and value investing in general.

I agreed to be on the show that will air live tonight at 7 PM Eastern time.  For those who would like to listen in the link is here.  If you cannot listen in tonight he said that the link and interview would be archived on his site for listening later. There will also be the chance for you to call in and ask questions if you would like to do that the number is (877) 537-2878.

I am honored to be asked on the show and hope to not sound like an idiot.  Invoking Charlie Munger’s principle of not being an idiot instead of trying to be brilliant, which I obviously struggle with if you have followed this blog for any amount of time : )  Hope to hear from some of you tonight and hope that you listen in.

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