I was doing some research on the company I have been researching earlier and was planning on starting to write my article later tonight. While I was doing the research on my ASUS Transformer Prime tablet I noticed that in Polaris Office, which is the Office product I use to read all of my company research, deleted almost all of my bookmarks on more than 10 years worth of documents that I have read.
Do any of you know any way to recover those bookmarks in Polaris Office? I store all of my documents in Dropbox if that matters. I looked online and it seems to be some kind of random bug that deletes work and bookmarks.
The only reason I started using PO was because of its bookmark feature where I could save spots in my research of companies; things that I thought should be in an article. Do any android tablet users have suggestions for word processor/Office alternatives to Polaris Office, preferably with some kind of bookmark or highlighting feature, so I can go back later to the notes when I am ready to compile and start writing my article?
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I was hoping to have the article up by early next week, but now unless I can recover my bookmarks, the article probably won’t be up until later next week.
I will post some weekend reading links tomorrow.
Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Don’t know about PO… I just started using Evernote on my tab, my pc and as chrome plugin for highlighting / tagging / bookmarking / note taking – it synchs across all platforms, very good tool
Thanks Fabian, I will definitely look into that.
Thanks again for recommending Evernote Fabian. They must have upgraded it since the last time I used it as I didn’t like the app the first time I used it several months ago.
Made finding my notes much easier as I was getting my latest article together.
Very much appreciate it.
Pleasure 🙂