Mini Review of Only The Paranoid Survive And Free Book Giveaway!

Mini Review of Only The Paranoid Survive

I read Only The Paranoid Survive after it was recommended by Charlie Munger in Poor Charlie’s Almanack and I am glad that I did.  This book is mainly about the decisions Mr. Grove (Former COO, CEO, and chairman of Intel) made, and helped make, to completely reform Intel from a memory company that was suffering a slow death against Japanese competitors to helping it become the worlds biggest semiconductor company.  He walks you step by step on how and why the decisions were made within Intel which in and of itself is fascinating to me.  He also goes through some case studies on decisions that other companies made (and still make) that lead to companies losing market share or possibly even dying altogether.  The case studies and examples specifically from Intel do a great job of showing you examples of how you can spot these trends or potential trends in companies that you are managing or looking to invest in.

Is it as good as Competition Demystified?  In my opinion no, but it is not specifically a book about strategy like CD is.  It is one mans advice, stories, and case studies about decisions he made and helped make that helped start to turn Intel into the powerhouse it is today.  Along with Mr. Munger, I also highly recommend reading this book.

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Free Book Giveaway

If you live in the US and would like to win my copy of this book above please send me an email saying in the subject line and text of the email that you want it.  Also in that email send me your name and mailing address and I will pay to ship the book to you. The first person to email me the above information will get the book completely FREE with no strings attached.

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