My Answer To – What Are Some Great Books Teaching You How To Value Invest Via Real World Case Studies?
Value Investing Journey is dedicated to developing the world’s best value investors. In that vein, I occasionally answer questions related to value investing, finance, learning, mental models, etc., on crowdsourcing site, Quora. I hope you enjoy the question above and answer below.
Below is an answer I wrote on Quora to the above question. The question and answer are important to how we all learn our craft of value investing so I’ve decided to post it here as well.
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When I’m asked questions similar to this I always like to give a ton of valuable answers that don’t relate to my resources – especially when it comes to books or resources to learn from.
But in this case I can’t. So I highly recommend my book How To Value Invest.
Why can’t I recommend any other resources?
Because I don’t know of any that teaches you practical real world important value investing concepts, mindsets, and valuation techniques with real world examples and case studies.
Sure you’ll see write ups on places like Seeking Alpha but most of these don’t got into much depth.
And I know people don’t share this kind of real world case study in depth information about value investing because I wasted literally years of time trying to figure out how to value invest on my own.
I wasn’t able to go to a college or university to learn these kinds of skills due to severe health issues.
Because of this, I had to figure everything out on my own and wade through a ton of terrible, incomplete, or non important information.
One example is that almost every value investing book, blog, article, video, interview, etc., always tells you that you need to value a business to become a great value investor.
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However, almost NONE of these same sources tell you how to actually value businesses in a real world sense.
This is why I wrote my book How To Value Invest and why I now teach others how to become great value investors on my blog – – and via our training courses, videos, coaching programs, etc.
Even universities teach mostly theory and don’t show you how to value and evaluate businesses from a real world perspective.
I wish I could recommend other resources that do the same thing you’re asking, but as of this writing I don’t know of any.
P.S. If you want a copy of How To Value Invest after reading this, you can get a FREE copy here right now.
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