My Thoughts On Crypto
In last Monday’s post, The Worst Company I’ve Ever Evaluated – And It’s Not Even Close, I detailed the many reasons why that Ethereum based public company I evaluated was by far the worst company I ever evaluated.
But I never gave my full thoughts on Crypto…
That is what today’s post is about.
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In my network of friends / family / colleagues, I’m most often known as ‘The Investment Guy’.
Because of this, I’m often asked about the latest trend in investing, whether it be years ago, gold and silver, or the Greek Crash, or more recently, weed stocks and cryptocurrency.
And since last week, I evaluated a crypto – based public company I figured now would be a good time to tell you my thoughts on crypto.
Let’s get to it…
In the 17 – minute video above, I detailed the following things…
- Why you should run away from anyone saying any investment has zero risk
- And why these same people are full of shit
- Why I don’t consider crypto a safe long – term investment
- Why I consider crypto a speculation similar to a lottery ticket
- Why I don’t own any crypto
- Why you can’t value crypto
- How the massive rise and then crash of crypto was based on emotion and not economics
- What I compare crypto to
- And more…
Make sure to watch the video linked above from last week detailing a public Crypto company for full context on this week’s thoughts.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about on crypto in the comments below…
Am I nuts? Am I right? Let me know below. And if you do, make sure you let me know with facts and not what ifs, could bes, or maybes like most of the pro – crypto people do.
Oh and if you don’t want to trust me on crypto maybe you’ll trust the great Charlie Munger; here are his thoughts on it.
P.S. Check out our playlists and other similar videos on our YouTube channel and make sure to subscribe to our channel to get all our new videos as they’re released.
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