What is Opportunity Cost and Capital Allocation

What is Opportunity Cost and Capital Allocation

Opportunity Cost And Capital Allocation
“Capital allocation is an incredibly complex subject that very few people in the world know anything about.”

In today’s post, we talk about what is opportunity cost and capital allocation.


In my network of friends / family / colleagues, I’m most often known as ‘The Investment Guy’.

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Because of this, I’m often asked about the latest trend in investing, whether it would be years ago, gold and silver, the Greek Crash a couple of years ago, or more recently, weed stocks and cryptocurrency.

To see our other videos in this series, where I give my thoughts on weed stocks, crypto, diversification, retirement plans, and more, click here.

Based on data of your views/reads/listens in 2019, one of your favorite things to learn about was capital allocation. That is 4 of our top 5 most viewed/read pieces of content were about capital allocation.

We’re continuing to talk about capital allocation in 2020.

Today, I want to talk about opportunity cost and capital allocation.

Let’s get to it…

In the 15-minute video above, I explained what is an opportunity cost and capital allocation.

In summary, here are some of the things I talked about:

  • Firstly, what is an opportunity cost
  • Secondly, what are some examples of opportunity cost and capital allocation combined?
  • In addition, what’s an opportunity cost when it comes to expenses and investments
  • Also, how to make better decisions on capital allocation
  • And more…

Your thoughts…

Do you have any questions about the video above? If so, let me know in the comments below.

So to learn from my other posts on capital allocation, click here.

P.S. And if you want to learn more about capital allocation right now for only $7 you can do so by going here.

P.P.S. In these videos you’ll learn from our latest course which is specifically on capital allocation…

Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros - In Only Weeks - Click Here To Learn More About Our Value Investing Masterclass.

Originally, this course was training available only to Masterclass and Coaching Program students.

P.P.P.S Plus, if you’re one of the first 25 people to sign up you’ll get $1,500 in free bonuses that will help you evaluate, value, and find great investments faster… Only A few spots left for this.

Click here to get all this and gain a huge advantage over other investors for just $7 today.