Only The Paranoid Survive Giveaway Update

A couple days ago I wrote a mini review of Only The Paranoid Survive and announced that I was giving away the book.  The book is still available to anyone in the US that wants it but apparently I wasn’t clear about which version of the book it was and for that I apologize.  The book is the paperback version, and not the ebook/Kindle version.  I will send the book for free to anyone in the US and all you still have to do is email me that you want the book, your name, and address and I will send it to you for free.  I have gotten several emails from people overseas asking for me to send the book to them.  I will if you want me too but if you do want it and live overseas you will have to pay for shipping that could range anywhere from $20-$70+ depending on which country you live in.  Frankly it would be a lot cheaper to buy a Kindle version of the book if you live overseas.

Sorry for any confusion I may have caused with my poor description of the book in my previous posting.