Replay of The Live Rivera Holdings Q&A
Below is a replay of the live Rivera Holdings Q&A I did on Facebook Live last night. Also included in the video are the reactions, comments, and links I posted during the video as well.
Fought through some technical issues last night of people reporting bad connections, poor audio, and occasional video freezes to put together what I hope is good information for potential investors.
If you tried to watch the video last night and experienced any of those issues the full video is below for viewing where you should have no problems.
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I didn’t have any issues on my end other than the lighting so make sure you’re on a good connection while watching the video below.
This was my first video – as you’re likely to notice 🙂 – so if you have any feedback please let me know. I know I need to say ummm less when I’m thinking – haven’t figured out how to stop this yet. And I already know how to fix the lighting issues for next time.
In the video below I answer the following questions:
- Is there a minimum required investment?
- I know you’re looking to raise more than $10 million so can I still invest if I only have $5,000 – or whatever the amount is? The answer is a resounding yes. I go into a lot of detail about this and why you should consider an investment in the video.
- Can non-accredited investors invest in Rivera Holdings?
- How can non-accredited investors invest?
- What is an accredited investor?
- Can accredited investors invest in Rivera Holdings?
- Can non-US residents invest in Rivera Holdings?
- What If I’m a foreign accredited investor, can I invest in Rivera Holdings?
- If I’m a Canadian citizen with an RRSP or TFSA can I use those funds to invest in Rivera Holdings?
- Can I use private corporate funds to invest in Rivera Holdings?
- What kind of companies are you researching to buy now?
- You’ve signed a letter of intent with one company so far, what does it do, how profitable is it, what else can we as potential investors know about it?
- If I as a potential investor bring in any others who want to invest in Rivera Holdings will I be compensated?
- What returns have I produced over the last five years?
- Are investment options only lump sum? Or are you offering a minimum monthly allocation?
- How can I and Rivera Holdings help you become wealthy?
- And what would I say to persuade small investors to invest?
I also go into some detail about the first Rivera Holdings acquisition target, talk about my investment philosophy, some of the struggles of starting a business, and more.
The video is longer than I planned and it comes in at a little less than 58 minutes so you may want to plan to watch it when you have about an hour of time.
As always please let me know if you have further specific questions about investing in Rivera Holdings, how you can invest, comments about how I can improve further videos, or anything else.
Thank you so much to those who watched, reacted, and commented on the video thus far. I will be reaching out to you in the coming days to talk to you more about investing in Rivera Holdings.
In the mean time if you’d like more information about investing in Rivera Holdings fast please email me at, call me at 605-390-3157, or sign up in the green bar at the top of this page to get more info.
Sincerely yours,
Jason Rivera
Want to learn how to find, evaluate, value, and buy great stocks fast? Ones that have helped me produce average annual investment returns of 23.5% per year on average in the first 9 years of my career? Click here to learn more about our Value Investing Masterclass.
Chairman, CEO, and Founder of Rivera Holdings.