Repost: Armanino Foods (AMNF) Analysis for Keith L

Armanino Foods (AMNF) Analysis

Today, we share a preliminary analysis of Armanino Foods for subscriber Keith L. A Case Study of Armanino Foods (AMNF) Analysis.

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Out of everything I do, I love helping others learn and improve their skills and knowledge the most.

Selfishly, I’ve always loved helping people more than helping myself because it makes me feel good.

But talking with students and clients, and being with them when they finally “get it”, and when concepts, terminology, and techniques begin clicking into place, is absolutely amazing to be a part of.

In this brand new series, we’re bringing those two things together and much more.

In this series, I’m going to release a new training video/session every Friday on the blog to help you improve your value investing skills and knowledge so you can reach your goals faster.

We’re also going to turn these sessions live at some point.

Once we get going here, we’re also going to do live training and Q&A sessions.


The video analysis of Armanino Foods (AMNF) below was requested by Value Investing Journey subscriber Keith L.

In the video, I do a full preliminary analysis of the company he chose and tell you why even though I’ve evaluated this company a half dozen times over the years, I’ve still never bought it, even though it looks like a potentially great investment.

Last week we began a mini-series within this larger series on foundational value investing knowledge. We’ll get back to that info in a few weeks’ time.

Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros - In Only Weeks - Click Here To Learn More About Our Value Investing Masterclass.

To view the rest of this case study series, go here.

But why do we spend so much time talking about these things?

Because I’m a huge believer that once you have the proper value investing foundation down, or any skills basic foundations, it will make things much easier to learn down the road for you.

Plus once you have these foundational concepts down, you won’t have to go back and keep re-learning these things over and over again.

I did this when I first started and wasted literally years of time.

Don’t do this.


In this series, we talk about the following things:

  • Why these kinds of concepts are so important
  • Why doing a thorough preliminary analysis can save you a ton of time and help you find great companies faster
  • How it can save you an IMMENSE amount of time down the road
  • Why making sure decimal places are in the correct place is ultra important
  • Why converting currency is ultra important
  • What is and is not important during a preliminary analysis
  • Why these numbers and metrics on my preliminary analysis checklist are there – it’s for specific reasons
  • What the numbers mean and can potentially mean for a company and its balance sheet strength, valuation, profitability, etc.
  • And much more…

I’m a huge believer in being as efficient as possible to help speed up not only the learning process for you but also, personally, so I spend less time having to backtrack and re-learn things.

By drilling in the above info and the other info in the other free videos in this series, you’ll save yourself an enormous amount of time and frustration.

I’m all about leveraging time and gaining a huge legal advantage over others, this is a huge positive leverage point.

Let’s get to it

Armanino Foods (AMNF) Analysis

Today, I want to go back and share one of our previous preliminary analysis case studies with you.

This one was requested by Keith L from the Value Investing Journey Facebook group in 2018.

Keith wanted me to evaluate Armanino Foods to see if they were a potentially good investment at the time.

But this wasn’t the first time I evaluated the company.

This stock comes up for a lot of nano-cap investors to look at because of its small size at an XYZ million market cap, but also because on a preliminary basis, its metrics look good as well.

In the video below, I show you the preliminary analysis I did on AMNF and also tell you why I’ve still never bought stock in this company even though I’ve evaluated it many times over the years.

To view the case study series I did on AMNF in 2015, use the following links:

What do you think of the evaluations above? Did I miss anything? Are you confused about something?

Let me know in the comments below and I’ll help.

Also, let me know if you want me to evaluate a company for you like this, and I’ll do it for you.

If you want to have an advance your knowledge on value investing enroll in Value Investing Masterclass here.

P.S. Go here to get 5 FREE GIFTS that will help you become a great value investor faster.

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