Services I Offer
I now run five businesses related to Value Investing…
Value Investing Journey – This is where things all started as I’ve now been running this blog for more than five years. This is where I share my thoughts on everything value investing related including: company analysis, valuation, self-improvement and learning, failure, and much more.
Press On Research – This is the premium version of Value Investing Journey. It’s where I now release my company recommendation articles exclusively. This is being revamped as I write this and will relaunch soon.
Value Investment Coaching and Mentorship Program – With this program I’ll teach you everything I know so you too can become an excellent value investor. Space is limited to only 10 people or companies at any one time. So if you’re interested in this service please go to the above-linked page as soon as you can to reserve your place.
Rivera Holdings LLC. – This is the investment company I’m Chairman, CEO, and Founder of.
Complete Business Analysis – If you’re looking to increase profitability, improve efficiency, turn your inventory over faster, improve cash flow, clean up your balance sheet to improve cash and lower debt, I can help with all these by doing a full evaluation, analysis, and valuation of your business and your competition.
This includes an evaluation of any real estate you have. Analysis of your competition. Analysis of the market your business is in. Finding your businesses strengths and weaknesses and how to improve both. Determining your margins and how to improve them. And how to increase your businesses cash flow.
Through the first five full years of my investment career I’ve produced returns of 29.2% for investors – on average not compounded – every year.
This is better than the 25.4% Buffett produced in the first five years of his career.
If you’d like more information on how you can invest with me please go here. Or if you know you’d like to invest or want to ask some questions please contact me at,, or 813-534-0421.
What Can I Help You With?
Business or Real Estate Sale – If you’re planning to sell your Business or Real Estate assets I can value and evaluate them for you, look for buyers, help you sell them as a licensed real estate agent in the state of Florida, and possibly buy them for my company Rivera Holdings LLC.
Freelance Article Writing – If you’d like me to write an article for your site or project I’d love to do so and have already done this for several sites.
Free Interview For Your Site – I’ve done interviews with GuruFocus twice, – first and second times respectively How I Grow My Wealth, Merger Market, Intelligent Investing Podcast, Blog Talk Radio, and more. If you’d like to interview me please let me know as I’d love to do so.
Helping the World
By signing up for any of the services above not only will you be helping yourself, your family, and your businesses, but you’ll also be helping others as well.

Part of all sales I generate goes to charities in the Philippines where my wife is from and to local charities in my area. For more information about this and my plans for expansion go to this link.
Proceeds will go towards educating and feeding kids and adults in the areas mentioned above.
If you’d like to talk to me about any of the services above please contact me at or