This Is Why I Do What I Do

This Is Why I Do What I Do

From an outsider’s perspective, we all hate marketing and sales.

But I HAVE to sell, advertise our promotions, and market our services, courses, books, and products to you.


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The first reason is that when people get into our programs, not only do they love them, but they also learn multiple valuable skill sets and knowledge, and their lives and perspectives change for the better.

I know this because I keep in constant contact with my clients by offering help and asking if I can be doing anything better. Not just for them, but also for you as a potential future student and client.

I’m constantly tweaking our services, adding content to them, doing free trainings for our clients, and meeting with them to help expand their knowledge and skills as fast as possible.

I had no one to help me when I started my value investing journey.

I want to be there to help others as much as I possibly can, for everyone not have to deal with the massive amounts of frustration and lost time that I had dealt with over the years.

The second reason is selfishly, in all honesty, I love helping people, and I may as well work to make money while helping others if I can.

So when I see things like this, from one of our Masterclass students, it reminds me why I continue to fight, push, and grind every day to build this business into something great that will help millions or billions of people worldwide.

One of my Masterclass Students With His Thoughts On The Course So Far.

And another from the same Masterclass student.

One of my students and his team when they got their paperback copy of On Float.

This client is from the United Arab Emirates, and just to name a few others around the world we’ve got clients in – Israel, New Zealand, Australia, The Philippines, The United States, and more…

In total we’ve reached 183 out of 195 countries in the last six years, and this just considers the content on this blog.

Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros - In Only Weeks - Click Here To Learn More About Our Value Investing Masterclass.

There’s a great saying I learned from reading Grant Cardone’s book, “Be obsessed or be average…”

If You Can, You Must.

I try to live by this short quote every day.

To me, this means that because I have the knowledge and skill sets of finance, investment, and value investing, that I MUST, ON A MORAL LEVEL, help you and as many others as I can every day, gain this knowledge and these skills so you can have this knowledge and these skills as well.

To get out of poverty.

To stay out of poverty.

To get a job.

To find your passion.

To build your career.

To build your business.

To improve your knowledge.

To help you reach your goals.

To help you achieve your dreams.

To travel the world.

To gain your freedom.

Or whatever you dream of doing with your skills, knowledge, money, talents, and passions.

This, at times, may mean I put some of our products and services out there and market them a lot like I did last week.

Everything I do is done to help more people do the above things.

The more people we have in our programs, services, and courses, the more we’ll be better off as humankind, because more people will be financially literate and have the skills and knowledge to support themselves.

I truly believe these programs, books, and courses are the best investment and value investment education in the world, and I want to get them out to as many people as possible.

This is also why my team and I are working on getting these programs into universities around the world as supplements to the professors’ teachings.

I view it as my duty, responsibility, and moral obligation – to quote Grant Cardone again, “…to help you and as many others as possible with these programs and courses.”

I feel guilty if I don’t feel like I’m helping enough people or doing enough to help you and others.

As I said last week in one of my posts, I know the immense value in these programs, but you don’t yet.

I’m working to show you and do everything in my power to help you see the value in them.

This is why I do what I do.

Part of the reason that is – there’s also helping you and your family and a ton of other reasons as well, but that’s for a different post or video.

In this post, I wanted to tell you the main reason I do what I do and why I sell and market our programs, books, courses, and services to you, so you understand where I’m coming from, if I did a good job explaining things in this post that is 🙂

My dad always tells me I need to take a break – I don’t remember the last day I took a full day off – so I don’t wear myself down. I always tell him meh and shrug my shoulders.

But the real reason I don’t is that I don’t feel that I’ve helped enough people yet, I feel guilty about it, and I don’t think I should take any days off until I help enough people.

Until that happens, you’ll continue to get 99.9% of our content for free via blog posts, case studies, free video trainings, and more.

And on occasion, this will also include marketing these products, courses, books, and services to you.

I don’t like doing a ton of sales and marketing, but I feel I have to so I can help more people reach their dreams.

Thanks for understanding and thanks for being part of this journey and sticking with me and the blog as we build towards helping billions.

Always In Your Service,

Jason Rivera

P.S. To join our Masterclass like Shafeeque did above, you can go here. For the first 7 people that sign up, you’ll also get 5 free one on one training sessions with me.

P.P.S. If you don’t want to miss any of these or our other posts, make sure to sign up to our mailing list here for free…

By signing up for free, you’ll also instantly get five free gifts – including the preliminary analysis checklist and research procedure document I’ll use every time I evaluate a company in this series.