Throwback Thursday – On Float The Paperback – Free Anywhere In The World
I first mentioned a surprise at the end of this On Float Throwback Series two weeks ago but had to keep pushing it back due to some unforeseen technical issues.
Because of the delay, I put out a Free On Float Training Video last week which you can view at the link in this sentence.
Here’s the real surprise we’ve been working towards behind the scenes and hinting at on the blog.
Sign up to our mailing list here and get 5 Free Gifts that will help you evaluate stocks better and faster. One of these allowed me to evaluate 3,943 stocks in 40 days manually... And I want you to have it for free.
Because every time I release these posts in the On Float series, they are some of the most read content on this blog I decided to turn this content into a paperback book.
And I’m giving it away for FREE.
If you pay to ship it anywhere in the world, I’ll cover the cost of the book myself.
I’m doing this to get this information into as many people’s hands as possible.
Because I believe that investment float is one of the most important but least understood concepts in all of investing and I want more people to know the immense power this can have. And the huge advantage this knowledge can give you over other investors.
This 67 – page, 12,000+ word book (not e-book), includes some updates to the content and added content and resources as well.
If you forgot what you’ll learn from this or you’re new to this site and / or this series, here is what you’ll learn from this book.
- What float is
- Why is it important
- How companies can use float as positive leverage
- How Warren Buffett got so rich using float
- How to find float on a balance sheet
- How to evaluate float
- How float affects a company and its margins
- Maybe the most important thing: why float affects a company and its margins
- How float affects a company’s value
- And I’ll answer the question, is float ever bad?
Click the book cover above or below to get your copy of On Float The Paperback.
Tired of wasting time learning how to find, evaluate, and value stocks all by yourself? If you're ready to learn more today check out our Value Investing Masterclass by clicking here.
But that’s not all.
To celebrate this book release, we’ve also created a brand new course about investment float that you can get for just $49 today, after you pay for the shipping of the On Float Paperback.
This On Float Video Training Course will sell for $500 itself once we get it into the VIJ Shop.
So not only can you get a free book by just paying for the shipping. But you can also get a brand new – not yet released – course for 90% off its normal price.
In other words, if you pay for the shipping of the On Float Paperback today you can get more than $500 worth of value for as little as $56.95… The $49 for the unreleased course and the $7.95 for the US book shipping.
I say more than $500 worth of value because if you get the book, you also have the chance to get another surprise.
To get the book and these other offers, you can either click the above book covers or click this link.
I want to help you become the best value investor that you can become… And I believe this book is one way to gain a massive advantage over other investors.
I hope you enjoy it.
P.S. If you’re unfamiliar with this series and want to learn more first before deciding to get the book you can learn more here.
P.P.S. If you don’t want to miss our series make sure to sign up to our mailing list here for free… By signing up for free, you’ll also instantly get five free gifts that will help you become a better investor fast.