Treasure Trove of free books
I mention quite a bit on this site and for good reason. Not only does it have amazing analysis and teaches you how to think better about companies and investments. He offers through his free Value Vault, books, videos, lectures, articles, etc from some of the greatest investors in the world.
Today John put up on his site 32 books/writings on his site that got donated to him from an anonymous contributor, all of which can be downloaded for free.
Get FREE access to 17 of our best training videos from the past by clicking here.
Some of the included books and writings are investment classics such as The Intelligent Investor, Security Analysis: 1940 edition, and Margin of Safety.
The books are in the categories of: Business Strategy, Investment and analysis, Valuation, Accounting, and Economic history.
Thank you so much John and the anonymous contributor, I am now going to have to upgrade my Dropbox account here very soon.
Here are the links.