Value Investing in Your Car Episode 63: What Happened To The Book Reviews?
I’m curious about everything so this leads to a range of reading and learning outside of value investing, finance, and investing.
In these Value Investing in Your Car episodes, we talk about some of these things and much more to help you become a better value investor faster.
Get FREE access to 17 of our best training videos from the past by clicking here.
- What mental models I use
- When does value investing work best
- Where it works
- What book reviews I have from everything I learn from
- What is the most important thing I learned in 2017
- How to learn faster
- What are the 4 most useless investing metrics
- If I could only use 3 investing metrics, what would they be
- And much more…
If you want to learn from the other episodes in this series, you can watch the entire playlist on YouTube here.
Remember, you can now also listen to these episodes as a podcast by going to the following places:
The podcast is now available on all major podcasting platforms on both Apple and Android.
Today, I tell you what happened to all the book reviews.
In the 11- minute video above I talk about the following things:
- Why I no longer do book review on the blog
- What I’ve been learning from
- How you can learn what I’m learning from for free
- And more…
Do you miss the book reviews?
Let me know in the comments below.
Here’s the last book review I did if you want to learn about the fantastic book Relentless.
If you want to sign up to the new mailing list where I’ll send you info on everything I’m learning from once a month for free, so you can learn from it too, click here.
P.S. Go here, if you want to be one of the few first few to sign up for our upcoming Online Mastermind Analyzing Microsoft.
P.P.S. Go here to get our brand new free guide titled – 7 Tips to Picking Great Stocks and 3 Times You Must Sell for free. In this guide, you’ll learn these things and more of my processes to begin evaluating companies better and faster, NOW.