Video Book Review - The Third Day By Dre Baldwin

Today we’re doing something a bit different.

Usually, we release videos where I analyze stocks for people… Or we release videos from our weekly Lives we do talking about various topics in the realm of finance and investment.

Today though, we’re releasing a video book review of the fantastic Third Day – The Decision That Separates The Pros From The Amateurs By Dre “DreAllDay” Baldwin.

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Because everything we teach here also requires a sound mindset.  As I say in the first week of the Value Investing Masterclass

““It doesn’t matter how much knowledge you have of value investing, it doesn’t matter how many valuation techniques you know, if you don’t have the proper mindset, you will fail as a value investor… Especially if you don’t have discipline and patience.””
And this book will help improve your mindset and discipline to help you achieve whatever goals you want.
To listen to the full episode you can go here.
For those of you who don’t want to watch the video book review, here are some of the details.

Dre is a former professional basketball player overseas who now helps business executives improve their mindset to reach the next level.

This is Dre’s 29th book.  Yes, that number is correct.

And while he teaches all things mindset, self-confidence, and discipline; in the Third Day, he talks specifically about how to get over the proverbial hump to work toward greatness.


I’ll let Dre speak for himself by sharing some excerpts from the first part of the book that I took as notes while reading.

These two excerpts are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of knowledge and real-world skills this book offers.

And if this sounds like you or what you want to become, check out this fantastic book.

You can get it on Amazon for full price. I didn’t share the link purposely for this…

Because you can also get it from Dre’s site for free.  Plus, this includes a video course as another free bonus.

Learn How To Find And Evaluate Great Stocks Better Than The Pros - In Only Weeks - Click Here To Learn More About Our Value Investing Masterclass.

To get the book for free – you just pay the shipping – and the bonus video course click here.

If you are into personal development at all, check this book out.

I’ve read a ton of personal development books over the years, and this is one of the best.

The book is so great I’m already implementing some of the stuff in it to improve myself and my businesses as well.

Always in your service,


P.S. Dre also recently opened up his University to group training so if you love his stuff and want more make sure to check out his University here.

P.P.S. I’m not an affiliate for the Third Day or the University.  I wanted to share this with you to help you reach your goals.

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