Weekend Upgrades – Improve How You Think, Invest, and Live #3
Bruce Berkowitz Has A Blog via @crowdturtle – Value investing master – and runner of the Fairholme Fund – sharing his thoughts on all things investing. Some of the content includes him talking at the University of Miami. Personal trips. And his thoughts on his investments.
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The Art of Learning: The Tool of Choice For Top Athletes, Traders, and Creatives via @TFerriss – A book recommended by Tim Ferriss, Mark Messier, Deepak Chopra, and Cal Ripken Jr. among others. This link includes a free chapter of the book as well.
I haven’t read this yet even though its been on my to read list for a while. But have heard nothing but great things about it.
Brazil Fast Food Enters Into Definitive Agreement To Go Private at $18.30 Per Share – Big surprise here #sarcasm. The “special committee” approved BOBS plans to go ahead. And “unanimously agrees” that the deal is a good deal for shareholders.
As I explained in last weeks post on this exact topic, I expected this to happen since BOBS and Queijo are paying the fees for the “special and independent” committee. The only way this deal will stop now is if just fewer than 10% of remaining outside shareholders vote the deal down. Which is unlikely at best.
Master of Influence Robert Cialdini Recommends Five Books via @farnamstreet.
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Peyton Manning, Buffett, and Munger via @sovagroup.
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