Before I get too serious about thinking about the advertising and marketing of my upcoming value investing book I wanted to ask you if there was anything specific you wanted to see talked about in the book? Maybe something you wish would have been in other books about value investing that you would want to hear about? At this point, I still have time to add things and I will seriously consider any of your suggestions if they are not in the book already.
I have just finished up the second full revision/edit of the book and as of this time, it looks like the book will end up being around 200 pages in an eBook format. This, of course, is without any of your suggestions and will likely change before the book is released. It was a lot longer originally as I have since cut several entire chapters to remain as concise and information packed as possible.
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Once I hear some of your suggestions and weigh whether or not to include those into the book I will release detail on what the book is about and the title.
Also if there are any questions you have wanted to ask me for a while feel free to ask them as I would be more than glad to answer them. They do not have to be investing related questions either. I would love to share more about myself with you all and would love to hear some of your stories as well. I will also take requests of any companies that you would like me to possibly write an article on as well since I have been drawing blanks while trying to find any interesting or undervalued companies lately.
Up next: Putting some of my advertising/marketing ideas into practice, setting up a site for the book, setting up a preorder page, continuing to revise and edit the book further, implementing some of your ideas into the book, finding a designer for the book cover, and I have also begun researching companies very slowly again.
Please avoid the usual stuff: margin of safety, Buffett said this and that, …
Thanks for your suggestion. I do talk about the concept of a margin of safety and why it is important a little bit in my book but do not talk about it in great depth for the reasons you stated. Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett, and a lot of other well respected investors already talk about the concept a lot better than I ever could.