I have found another company to look into and I am going to start reading its annual report today. I will update you if I think the company is worth doing an entire article on. Now onto the links.
Why Smart Brains Make Dumb Decisions is an article from the New York Times detailing what makes our brains over and underestimate the amount of danger involved in a task.
When It Comes To Learning Depth Beats Breadth and What’s The Best Way To Begin To Learn A New Skill are both quick thoughts from Farnam Street about learning.
Download A Free Copy of My Acclaimed Value Investing Education Book How To Value Invest By Clicking Here.
5 Reasons To Doubt My Analysis is an article from Old School Value, written by Daniel Sparks of ValueFolio, about why we should all doubt other people’s analysis, and why we should all do our own analysis when it comes to making investment decisions.
Munger On Deferred Tax Liabilities and Intrinsic Value is a very technical discussion on those two topics and how to incorporate some of the information into valuations. The site also has a couple links to Seeking Alpha articles on the subject as well. I have to admit that some of the stuff goes over my head and the highly technical aspect of investment analysis is an area where I know I need to get a lot better at.
Up next will be some more links until I decide whether I am going to do an entire write up on the company I start researching tonight.